How a cli­mate model can il­lus­trate and ex­plain ice-age cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity


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Dur­ing the last ice age, the last gla­cial max­imum about 20,000 years ago, the cli­mate in the North At­lantic un­der­went much greater multi-centen­nial vari­ab­il­ity than it does in the present warm period. This is sup­por­ted by evid­ence found in ice and sea­floor cores. Re­search­ers at MARUM – Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences and the De­part­ment of Geosciences at the Uni­versity of Bre­men, and at the Vrije Uni­versiteit Am­s­ter­dam (The Neth­er­lands) have now shown for the first time, based on a cli­mate model, that in­ternal mech­an­isms such as tem­per­at­ure and sa­lin­ity dis­tri­bu­tion in the ocean are driv­ing this multi-centen­nial vari­ab­il­ity. Their res­ults are now pub­lished in the journal Science Advances.

Al­though hu­man­kind is re­spons­ible for the cur­rent global cli­mate warm­ing, our planet has con­stantly been un­der­go­ing nat­ural cli­mate fluc­tu­ations throughout the past. Pos­sible for­cing mech­an­isms for this vari­ab­il­ity would have been changes in the bright­ness of the sun or ex­plos­ive vol­canic erup­tions, but also in­ter­ac­tions within the at­mo­sphere/​ocean/​sea-ice sys­tem. Ex­perts refer here to ex­ternal and in­ternal factors in­flu­en­cing the cli­mate sys­tem. The dur­a­tion of such an os­cil­la­tion, also called vari­ab­il­ity, can vary con­sid­er­ably. Such cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity is par­tic­u­larly im­port­ant in cli­mate re­search, es­pe­cially for fur­ther im­prov­ing our un­der­stand­ing of the ef­fects of cur­rent an­thro­po­genic cli­mate change. However, with a few ex­cep­tions, there has long been a cer­tain lack of clar­ity about cli­mate os­cil­la­tions that last for cen­tur­ies.

An in­ter­na­tional team of sci­ent­ists stud­ied the nat­ural multi-centen­nial cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity between 23,000 and 19,000 years ago; cli­mate model and pa­leo data show that this vari­ab­il­ity was par­tic­u­larly pro­nounced in the sub­polar North At­lantic. The photo shows sea ice in the Arc­tic Ocean [Credit: MARUM – Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences, Uni­versity of Bre­men; V. Diekamp]

Dr. Mat­thias Prange, first au­thor of the study and Earth Sys­tem modeler at MARUM and the Geosciences De­part­ment, ex­plains, “Nat­ural cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity at time scales of hun­dreds of years is not yet well un­der­stood. For one, there are no ob­ser­va­tion time series that cover such long time peri­ods. For an­other, there are only a few re­cords of proxy data with suf­fi­cient res­ol­u­tion to shed light at this time scale. It has also been prob­lem­atic that cli­mate mod­els to date have had great dif­fi­culty in de­pict­ing nat­ural cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity at time scales from 100 to 1,000 years.”

Natural climate variability during peak glacial period four times stronger

The mod­els have con­tin­ued to im­prove in re­cent years, however, and the sci­ent­ists work­ing with Mat­thias Prange have now been able to use a well-tested cli­mate model to take a closer look at nat­ural cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity on a time scale of 100 to 1,000 years dur­ing the last peak gla­cial period. Avail­able pa­leodata from ice and sea­floor cores show that the nat­ural cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity in­tens­i­fied dur­ing the period between 23,000 and 19,000 years, and was glob­ally as much as four times stronger than in the present Holo­cene. It was es­pe­cially prom­in­ent in the North At­lantic. “The fact that we now have cli­mate mod­els that can de­pict such changes in nat­ural cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity is a re­flec­tion of the great ad­vances in cli­mate mod­el­ing, and demon­strates the im­press­ive cap­ab­il­it­ies of the mod­els,” ac­cord­ing to Prange.

Searching for factors for internal forcing

There is no evid­ence for ex­ternal for­cing for the multi-centen­nial cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity. In the search for other causes the sci­ent­ists turned their at­ten­tion to pos­sible in­ternal mech­an­isms. “We used the well-known Com­munity Earth Sys­tem Model, CESM1.2. for short, which is also used for pre­dic­tions by the In­ter­gov­ern­mental Panel on Cli­mate Change, and fed it with the bound­ary con­di­tions for the last ice age,” says Prange. “We in­put the level of green­house-gas con­cen­tra­tion, the ex­tent of con­tin­ental ice dis­tri­bu­tion, and the char­ac­ter­istic or­bital para­met­ers for the time.”

Salt and temperature

When the ice age was at its peak and most pro­nounced, the sci­ent­ists were able to de­tect a spon­tan­eous os­cil­la­tion in the North At­lantic last­ing sev­eral hun­dred years, ac­com­pan­ied by fluc­tu­ations in the At­lantic Me­ri­di­onal Over­turn­ing Cir­cu­la­tion (AMOC). One cycle, in which the AMOC be­comes stronger and then weaker, lasts around 400 years. This in­volves the trans­port of low-sa­lin­ity wa­ter from the South to the North At­lantic. Along the way it be­comes even less sa­line, so that the sea­wa­ter be­comes lighter and does not sink as ef­fect­ively into the depths of the North At­lantic. The pro­duc­tion of deep wa­ter and its trans­port­a­tion to­ward the South At­lantic there­fore be­comes weaker.

Influence of the ice-age multi-centennial climate variability on air temperatures in the North Atlantic region (in degrees Celsius). The temperature differences between the warm and cold phases of climate variability are shown. Also shown is the extent of Arctic sea ice during the warm phase as a blue contour line for February and a green contour line for August. The circles indicate the presence of proxy data from ice cores and ocean sediment cores that demonstrate the multi-centennial variation during the ice-age maximum. The coastlines shown represent conditions during the last ice age, about 20,000 years ago. [Credit: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, M. Prange et al. 2023]

The cyc­lic pro­cess is self-sus­tained, as the weak­en­ing of the AMOC res­ults in less low-sa­lin­ity wa­ter be­ing trans­por­ted north­ward again from the South At­lantic. Con­sequently, sa­lin­ity in the North At­lantic may in­crease again, res­ult­ing in the pro­duc­tion of more deep wa­ter. As Mat­thias Prange ex­plains, “These pro­cesses in­dic­ate that the multi-centen­nial cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity is closely re­lated to dif­fer­ences in the sa­lin­ity and tem­per­at­ure in the wa­ter column.” And al­though the amp­litudes of the vari­ation are low, there are clear ef­fects on the ex­tent of North At­lantic sea ice and on the tem­per­at­ures in Green­land. “The av­er­age an­nual tem­per­at­ures there vary by about four de­grees Celsius as a res­ult of the AMOC os­cil­la­tions,” con­cludes Prange.

High-resolution paleodata

In or­der to sup­port these find­ings of the mod­els, the sci­ent­ists in­vest­ig­ated the sea-sur­face tem­per­at­ures for that time period. “To do this, we com­piled and ana­lyzed all of the high-res­ol­u­tion re­con­struc­tions from mar­ine sed­i­ments of the North At­lantic,” says Dr. Lu­kas Jonkers, co-au­thor of the study and mi­cro­pa­le­on­to­lo­gist at MARUM. “High-res­ol­u­tion here means that the data points of a series av­er­age no more than 200 years apart, with no single step greater than 1000 years.” The pa­leoarchives stud­ied provide evid­ence for re­cur­ring tem­per­at­ure os­cil­la­tions in the sur­face wa­ters every 150 to 1000 years dur­ing the last gla­cial max­imum, which is con­sist­ent with the mod­elled multi-centen­nial cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity with in­ternal for­cing mech­an­isms.

The importance of understanding feedback processes

Re­cent re­search find­ings un­der­score the im­port­ance of de­tailed study and un­der­stand­ing of feed­back pro­cesses in the cli­mate sys­tem. Mat­thias Prange em­phas­izes the need for a deeper un­der­stand­ing of cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity at vari­ous time scales, as this could have rami­fic­a­tions for fu­ture cli­mate change that could lead to un­ex­pec­ted and un­desir­able sur­prises for so­ci­et­ies. These find­ings are also in­cor­por­ated into the work of the Cluster of Ex­cel­lence “The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Un­charted In­ter­face”, which is based at MARUM.

Source: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen [November 02, 2023]



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