Tag: Northern Europe


Submerged Landscapes Project to hunt for lost civilisations beneath Baltic and North Sea

The University of Bradford’s Submerged Landscapes Research Centre, led by Professor Vince Gaffney, is about to embark on an ambitious project to map the...

Crusader-era sword and cemetery unearthed in Finland

Looking over excavation work for the installation of geothermal pipes, a landowner in the municipality of Salo noticed a piece of iron sticking out...

Researchers identify the oldest pieces of Baltic amber found on the Iberian Peninsula: imports began over 5,000 years ago

A team of scientists from the Universities of Granada and Cambridge, as well as the Government of Catalonia, have identified the oldest pieces of...

Early farmers on the Baltic coast bucked New Stone Age trends and incorporated fish into their diets

Pioneering early farmers who arrived on the Baltic coast from six thousand years-ago may have taken up fishing after observing indigenous hunter-gatherer communities, a...

Runestones from Denmark reveal power of a Viking queen

Archaeologists have used 3D scanning to investigate inscriptions carved on two groups of Danish runestones, revealing that four stones were likely made in dedication...

The Vikings had glass in their windows

New research has revealed that the Vikings had windows with glass panes. Until now glazed windows were only associated with medieval churches and castles....