Tag: Greater Middle East


IS destroys the Mishqi Gate of ancient city of Nineveh

Militant fighters of the ISIS have reportedly destroyed another archaeological icon in the Iraqi city of Mosul, using military equipment, local sources reported on...

6,000-year-old village unearthed in Kurdestan

Iranian archaeologists have discovered the remains of a 6,000-year old village in the Sarvabad county in Kurdestan Province. The ancient village was unearthed in the...

Roman-era tomb discovered in Western Turkey

A Roman-era burial chamber has been unearthed during excavations in the western Turkish province of Kürahya’s Domaniç district. The burial chamber is thought to be...

A 3,800-year journey from classroom to classroom

Thirty-eight hundred years ago, on the hot river plains of what is now southern Iraq, a Babylonian student did a bit of schoolwork that...

Handwriting analysis yields clues for dating OT texts

Scholars have long debated how much of the Hebrew bible was composed before the destruction of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Judah in 586...

Oldest glass production kilns found in Israel

An extraordinary archaeological discovery was revealed in an excavation of the Israel Antiquities Authority prior to the construction of a road being built at...