
Tilaurakot excavation begins

Lumbini Development Fund has started excavating the wall of historical Raj Prasad Tilaurakot Palace.  Remains of the Eastern Gate of Kapilavastu The Archaeological Department had been authorised to carry out...

Mysterious happenings around the star KIC 846852

The Kepler satellite was designed to search for Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of stars by measuring...

Pre-Hispanic cemetery in NW Mexico sheds light on local burial customs

Researchers from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH-Conaculta) keep acquiring knowledge of funerary practices in the...

How to build a Roman villa

A new Channel 4 series starting this week aims to find out if modern day builders can reconstruct...

Roman Maryport dig enters final phase

FOR years experts believed that 17 altars uncovered in pits at a Roman fort had been buried as...

Construction workers find Byzantine sarcophagus lid in northeastern Turkey

Workers renovating the power distribution unit in Turkey's northeastern Gümüşhane (Greek Argyròpolis) province discovered a 1,407-year-old Byzantine sarcophagus cover, assumed to belong to a...

Byzantine shipwreck found off coast of Sicily

The wreck of a Byzantine ship has been found on the sea bed at a depth of 3 metres, buried by about 2 metres...

Archaeologists excavate ancient horses and chariots in Central China

Archaeologists in central China's Henan Province have excavated a 2,400-year-old pit containing horses and chariots beside a tomb possibly belonging to a lord. Archaeologists work...

Lebanon battles to get its treasures back

The Temple of Eshmun is the best-preserved Phoenician site in Lebanon. Located close to the southern city of Sidon, the temple was dedicated to...

‘Torbrex Tam’ skeleton found in Scotland was 4000 year old Bronze Age farmer

Human bones uncovered in Stirling in the late 19th century have been identified as being more than 4000 years old, making ‘Torbrex Tam’ the...

Excavations at ancient Tenea completed

The systematic archaeological research of Ancient Tenea in Chiliomodi, Corinthia by the Directorate General of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage was completed on October 10,...